Saturday, November 27, 2010

Essay 2: Lifelong Learning

You’ve basically got the assignment with the packet I gave you last week, but here are a few additional details:

  1. APA format. Follow the format for the coversheet in the Sample APA Paper at the Purdue OWL (look for the link at the top). Include an abstract.
  2. Research requirements. Much of the paper is reflective, but you will have to do at least some basic internet research.
  3. Rough Draft. You may hand in a rough draft of essay 2 on Monday 29 November or Wednesday 01 December. The sooner you get a draft to me the sooner I’ll get feedback to you.
  4. Final Draft. The final draft is due Wednesday 08 December at 10AM at the final.
  5. Grade. Essay 2 is worth 30 out of 200 points for the term (15%). Like essay 1, it will be graded on focus, organization, support, and proofreading. (Though similar, the rubric I gave you is for the assessment not the evaluation.)

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