Saturday, November 27, 2010

Speech 3: American Rhetoric

Critique one of the 100 Best Speeches from the American Rhetoric website. The speech you critique is up to you. You must provide both contextual and textual analysis.

Contextual Analysis

Provide background on the speech. In other words, give us an understanding of the speech’s kairos. When was it delivered? What was it delivered in response to? Who was the audience and how did they feel about the speaker? What was the speaker trying to accomplish?

The context will require a little outside research—it’s okay to use Wikipedia or another encyclopedia, but make sure that you put it in your own words and that you orally attribute your source.

Textual Analysis

The textual analysis is essentially the type of speech (Book 1), the rhetorical triangle (Book 2), and the delivery and arrangement (Book 3). I will be looking for specific references to Aristotle’s Rhetoric in support of your analysis.


You must include a visual element in your speech. It may be images of the venue, the speaker, or even images that help your audience to understand the concepts.

Length: 5-7 minutes.

Points: 40 / 200 (20% of term grade)

Due: 03 or 08 December.

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